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How to unlink Vertopal account from Microsoft?

If you have logged in or registered to Vertopal via Microsoft, we need some permissions provided by your Microsoft account.
We only get the necessary data (including Email Address, First Name, and Last Name) to identify you when you log in or register so that we can set up your Vertopal account.

  1. Visit the Microsoft website.
  2. Click on the user account button in the top-right.
  3. On the new page, click on the Privacy dashboard button under the Privacy section.
  4. Click on the Apps and services under More privacy settings.
  5. Click on the Vertopal app.
  6. Click on the Remove these permissions button at the bottom of the page.
On Mobile Browser:
  1. Visit the Microsoft website.
  2. Tap the user account button in the top-right.
  3. On the new page, tap the Privacy dashboard button under the Privacy section.
  4. Tap the Apps and services under More privacy settings.
  5. Tap the Vertopal app.
  6. Tap the Remove these permissions button at the bottom of the page.

This will only remove the connection between your Microsoft and Vertopal accounts; there will be no change in your accounts. This will also remove permissions to access the OneDrive of this Microsoft account.
You can log in again via Microsoft whenever you want.
Please note that these steps may change based on Microsoft interface changes.

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