Vertopal — Free Online Converter
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How to upload a file from Dropbox to Vertopal?

To upload a file to Vertopal, first go to the page where the uploader is. We recommend the Vertopal home page.
You must also be logged in to Vertopal to use Dropbox. Create a Vertopal account if you don't have one.

  1. Click on the icon in the Uploader.
  2. Enter your Dropbox login information.
    This may include steps such as two-step verification or verifying permission to the Vertopal, depending on your Dropbox account settings.
    This step will be skipped if you are currently logged in to Dropbox.
  3. Select your file and click on the Choose button.
  4. Wait for the upload progress bar to complete.
  5. After completing the upload process, the Uploaded Successfully will be displayed to you.
On Mobile Browser:
  1. Tap the icon in the Uploader and then tap the Dropbox option.
  2. Enter your Dropbox login information.
    This may include steps such as two-step verification or verifying permission to the Vertopal, depending on your Dropbox account settings.
    This step will be skipped if you are currently logged in to Dropbox.
  3. Select your file and tap the Choose button.
  4. Wait for the upload progress bar to complete.
  5. After completing the upload process, the Uploaded Successfully will be displayed to you.

Note that the selected file category is in one of the categories supported by Vertopal.
We will not request any additional access to your file. Your file will be processed exactly like the file you uploaded from the device.

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