Vertopal — Free Online Converter
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Can I leave the download page during file conversion?

The short answer is: Yes!
The whole conversion process is performed by Vertopal and it does not depend on you being on the download page. This means that even if you close the download page, the conversion process will not stop.
We recommend that you save the URL before leaving the download page so that you can return to it later and see the conversion result or download the converted file.

  1. Stay on the download page.
  2. Click on the copy this link below the file conversion row. This will copy the URL of the download page to your clipboard.
  3. Save this URL somewhere so you can return to this download page later.
On Mobile Browser:
  1. Stay on the download page.
  2. Tap the copy this link below the file conversion row. This will copy the URL of the download page to your clipboard.
  3. Save this URL somewhere so you can return to this download page later.

Note that the converted file will only be stored in Vertopal for the next 12 hours after the conversion is completed. After this period, it will be permanently deleted.

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