Vertopal — Free Online Converter
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Can Vertopal convert my file type to the file type I need?

To find the answer, we need to use the Format Choosers. First, go to the page where the Format Choosers are. We recommend the Vertopal home page.

  1. Click on the Source Format Chooser button. This button is the first button with icon at the top-right of the page, just before the word "to".
  2. Select the source format from the Source Format Chooser, either by searching its extension or scrolling down.
  3. Click on the Target Format Chooser button. This button is the second button with icon at the top-right of the page, just after the word "to".
  4. Select the target format from the Target Format Chooser, either by searching its extension or scrolling down.
On Mobile Browser:
  1. Tap the Source Format Chooser button. This button is the first button with icon at the top of the page, just before the word "to".
  2. Select the source format from the Source Format Chooser, either by searching its extension or scrolling down.
  3. Tap the Target Format Chooser button. This button is the second button with icon at the top of the page, just after the word "to".
  4. Select the target format from the Target Format Chooser, either by searching its extension or scrolling down.

If you selected the source format in the Source Format Chooser and the target format is found in the Target Format Chooser, then Vertopal supports this file conversion.

If you upload the file without error, the Source Format Chooser will recognize your file format and selects it automatically. That means we have taken the first two steps for you.
Another Target Format Chooser will also appear in the uploaded file row, this Format Chooser is a shortcut to the main Target Format Chooser and is no different.

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